Ayal-a patient driving instructor

I can recommend AYAL 052-553 3117.
He can teach manual & automatic (some instructors can
only teach 1 or the other). He's very patient & was able to
compare & clarify driving rules here vs. the states.
He also speaks English.

good luck


  1. I recommend him highly as well. My wife and I used him recently and we passed our tests.

  2. Very nice, completely fluent english and we know many people who
    have used him and have been happy. We had an excellent experience with
    him. His name is Ayal 052-553-3117.


  3. We highly recommend Driving Instructor Eyal Ben Harush - in addition to being a thorough driving instructor, he understands customer service and has a nice car! Here's his contact information:
    Mobile 1: 050-6950086
    Mobile 2: 052-5533117
    Home: 02-9960322
    Email: eyal-b@actcom.net.il

    Read more about our experience here http://aliyahhandbook.com/blog/index.php/intro/absorption

  4. My wife and I used Eyal Ben-Harush.
    He is in the Jerusalem area, a good english speaker and got us through on our first try. His cell phone is 050-6950086. A second cell is 052-5533117. Home phone is 02-9960322. Email is: eyal-b@actcom.net.il.
    We recommend him highly.


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